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 Saturday February 2, 2008
 Quote of the week:
Editorial from Great Falls, Montana
Great Falls Tribune
"Indeed, it is now clear that completion of the required accounting is an impossible task."
That was federal Judge James Robertson in a decision that vindicates his predecessor on the 12-year-old lawsuit against the federal Interior Department over the agency's botched handling of Indian trust funds.

The situation is not hopeless, the judge said, but "it does mean that a remedy must be found for the department's unrepaired, and irreparable, breach of the fiduciary duty over the last century.

"And the time has come to bring this suit to a close."

"This is a great day in Indian Country," said Blackfeet member Elouise Cobell, who filed the suit in 1996.

Robertson's strongly worded decision evoked memories of the words of his predecessor on the case, Judge Royce Lamberth, who had been removed from the case, allegedly because he had lost his objectivity.

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02/06/08 Settle the botched Indian trust case;
An editorial from The Seattle Times
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02/04/08 Indian Trust Funds: It's broke, so fix it;
An editorial from Seattle's Post-Intelligencer
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02/02/08 Quote of the week:
Editorial from Great Falls, Montana
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02/01/08 The Verdict: It’s Broken:
An Editorial by The New York Times
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